Aura of Divine Light: Sacred Sound Journey

Aura of Divine Light: Sacred Sound Journey

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    Olla Terve
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    Transform your energy-field/aura through the sound and vibration of Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls and voice on this guided journey. 

    25-minute recording to use daily. MP3 Download

    Allow your grounding energy to steadily flow downward as the Divine Love and Light steadily flows in through your crown, cleansing your entire Being as the sonic sounds of the singing bowls wash over you. Release any unwanted energies down into the earth to be transformed as you become more relaxed and grounded. You'll bring your awareness to the Divine love and light in your heart center and sense peace and harmony as the Divine love and light expands beyond your body filling your aura. . .

    Feel yourself connecting deeper with the Divine white light within yourself, your mind, your heart, your understanding. You are connecting with the source of creation, of all life and all love. This Divine white light symbolizes the source of love that knows no boundaries, the Source that brings life, protects and supports all living things. . . etc.

    You'll enjoy the sacred sounds of the singing bowls throughout your entire journey. You'll be guided at the beginning and the end and "ride" the sound waves the whole time!

    As your journey comes to a close, you'll be guided to bring your awareness to the sense of peace and harmony throughout your entire body and your energy-field around you and feel the Divine Love and Light in your heart radiating with pure joy and compassion, the purity of light, your True Essence. Feel empowered knowing that you are Love. You are Light and you are protected.

    Himalayan singing bowls which are known to activate the self-healing awareness within. “Pure sonic sounds of the singing bowls are heard not just by the ear, but by every cell in the body. The emotional and spiritual body is healed first which then reflects in the physical body.” Source: Power of Sound

    Change comes from within and this powerful guided journey infused with sacred sound can help awaken your natural ability to shift perspectives and transform! With repeated daily use, you will be able to release the triggers and negative emotional patterns of addiction and truly embody your freedom and create the life you are here to live!

    Directions for use: You will need a safe and quiet place, a good pair of headphones and your phone or computer. You may enhance your outcomes by heart-breathing a Young Living essential oil blend prior to listening to your journey. (See below.) Listen to this journey before going to bed or any time during the day when you have time to relax and take a break.

    Enhance your outcomes with heart breathing and Young Living essential oil blends!

    • Recommended essential oil choices: Transformation, White Angelica, Lemon, Peppermint, Palo Santo.  Purchase at
    • Daily empowerment: Experience an on-going powerful transformation with your sacred sound journey combined with heart breathing YL essential oils blends each day. Transform the old patterns and reach new levels of emotional freedom. The journey forward gets a little easier every day as you step closer to your freedom and truth!
    • The pure constituents in the YL oils stimulate olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain’s limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind.
    • Each essential oil’s complex, pleasant, and unique scent triggers emotions and memories, which can help in your search for a more fulfilling and balanced life.
    • The scents in these empowering blends have been formulated to help you discover your potential and support you as you work toward reaching your goals.
    • Rediscover peace, balance, and joy with the combination of the heart breathing technique combined with the powerful benefits of YL essential oil blends and your sacred sound journey of choice every day.